Our signature Fair Trade Organic certified blend is crafted with beans from South America and Indonesia. You can expect chocolate notes, with a sweet back end. Roast: Full City Body:...
This coffee is organic and shade grown, in addition to being Fair Trade certified. Try a pound today! Please note: all of our decaf coffees are naturally decaffeinated using water...
Buna Boka is one of the primary cooperatives of the Sidama Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union, one of Ethiopia’s best-known exporting bodies. The Sidama union is comprised of 53 coffee cooperatives...
COOPAFSI (Cooperative Agraria “Frontera San Ignacio” Ltda) was officially established in June 1969. Gender equality was an important factor when the land was purchased and divided among producers. This particular...
Cooperativa de Servicios Multiples Sol y Café Ltda (Coop Sol y Café) was established in March of 2008 to unite over 1,000 farmers, including rice and cacao producers. The coop...
This coffee hails from the Koperasi Pedagang Kopi Ketiara, a women-run cooperative that has over 890 grower-members and cultivates coffee on more than 830 hectares of land. Known for being...