Orders are shipped out within a few days of when they are placed. Depending on how far away from us you are, you should receive your order within about a week.
Contact our wholesale department at (802) 660-3996 or call our toll free number: (800) 849-6041 and we’ll be happy to help you! We also have a wholesale inquiries form for those just looking for a little more information.
No, unfortunately we currently only ship within the United States.
While we don’t deliver brewed coffee, we can provide 96 oz boxes of coffee with cups, cream, and sugar that we will prepare for pick up at 412 Pine Street, Burlington, VT 05401
Call our coffee shop at (802) 658-6016 to schedule your pick-up time, and please allow us at least half an hour prep time per box.
When brewing coffee keep in mind four things:
The enemies of roasted coffee are oxygen, moisture, and light. Under ideal circumstances (a dark, dry, airtight environment) your freshly roasted beans have a shelf-life of several weeks. Many people store their coffee in the freezer, which is great as long as you pop the bag into a sealed container to protect the internal moisture in the beans.
We recommend that you purchase your coffee in whole bean form and then grind it on an as needed basis. If you don't have a grinder, you can purchase one at the Pine Street Café. This not only ensures a superior cup, but it also allows you to keep your coffee fresh for a longer period of time. Remember: ground coffee absorbs odors from food stored with it. Assuming that you are using a spinning blade mill grinder, we offer the following guidelines, which can and should be modified to suit your personal taste: